

The Flying Submarine

Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that

I’ve just finished a new deliBass collaboration with Portugese guitarist, Andre Leitao. It’s Andre’s composition, The Flying Submarine but we’ve given it a new arrangement and, naturally, plenty of bass! We love the downtempo groove and hope you do too. The collaboration was set up through the hitrecord.org site. Check[…]

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New deliBass Track

Psychotronic is the latest track by deliBass, Jon’s partnership with DJ Oomz, released in October 2016. The two have been producing music together for 2 years with a variety of esteemed collaborators. This one features the voice of Leighton Hema aka Mr Leigh. But previous tracks have showcased the fabulously[…]

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Other Live Projects

At the beginning of 2014, Jon played his first gig with Tania Rose and her equally talented sidekick, Simon Rigby, in The Oaks, NSW. The 3-piece played a set of Simon’s arrangements of Beatles, Sting, Carpenters and Peter Gabriel tracks and went down a storm. Tania, Simon and Jon are[…]

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Jon Mellor on Bass